I 26


The regiment was formed in 1902 by merging Värmlands fieldjaegercorps and Hallands battalion. It was located in Stockholm until 1906 and from then on Rindön. In 1928 it was absorbed into Göta lifeguards as its I. battalion.

No 26 Royal Värmlands fieldjaegercorps was raised in 1790. Under the name Värmlands jaegerbattalion on foot. In 1812 it was organized as Värmlands fieldjaegerregiment. In 1876 it was reduced to a corps.

No 28 Royal Hallands battalion was raised in 1813 as Hallands I. infantry battalion. From 1815 it was named Hallands infantry battalion.


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The regiment used the colors of Värmlands fieldjaegercorps. It had a  blue background and yellow cross with the heraldic symbol of Värmland in the middle.